Friday 17 April 2020

Storytime with your family

Are you missing sharing stories and games with family members who aren't in your house? 
Is your grandma/aunt/uncle/cousin/parent/carer missing reading you stories? 
Check out the app Caribu!

Caribu is a video-calling app integrating children's books and activities - allowing families to create a 'virtual playdate' or shared storytime. It was designed for grandparents - but anyone can use it - and currently it is completely free. Miss Rader is going to use it to share stories with her niece - who will you share a story with?

Caribu website - Caribu is available from the app and google stores. Check it out today! 

Wednesday 15 April 2020

'These are the Hands'

Michael Rosen is a fantastic poet and author who has written classics such as ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and ‘Chocolate Cake’. St. Matthias and De Beauvoir schools are coming together to work on a collaborative project inspired by his poem, ‘These are the Hands’. Michael wrote this fantastic poem to celebrate the 60th birthday of the NHS, and we thought it was a great opportunity to celebrate our amazing health service and the man himself.

These are the Hands
These are the hands
That touch us first
Feel your head
Find the pulse
And make your bed.

These are the hands
That tap your back
Test the skin
Hold your arm
Wheel the bin
Change the bulb
Fix the drip
Pour the jug
Replace your hip.
These are the hands
That fill the bath
Mop the floor
Flick the switch
Soothe the sore
Burn the swabs
Give us a jab
Throw out sharps
Design the lab.
And these are the hands
That stop the leaks
Empty the pan
Wipe the pipes
Carry the can
Clamp the veins
Make the cast
Log the dose
And touch us last.
Watch the video of the poem here.

Animation project
We will be creating an exciting animation based on the poem. If you would like to contribute, we need:
  •  Drawings of the different jobs the NHS do, as described in the poem. Line drawings in pencil or pen (+ optional coloured pencil) please! Remember to include the all important hands!
  • Photos of NHS friends/family/colleagues who would be happy to have their pictures included—ideally holding their hands up and wearing their uniforms in hospitals!
 Please send your drawings photos to Miss Rader at
Deadline for entries, 1st May. Thankyou!

Have a look at Michael Rosen's Website for more information about his life and his books. 

 Please send your drawings photos to Miss Rader at
Deadline for entries, 1st May. Thankyou!

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Mr Big

Mrs Binnie introduced her class to the stories and illustrations by Ed Vere. He wrote many books, including Mr Big. Mr Big is strong, Mr Big is tough, Mr Big is . . . well . . . BIG! He has just one small problem - because of the way he looks he just can't get people to stick around. How can he show them that although he may look a little scary, he is just a great big softy inside? 

Mrs Binnie challenged her class to draw Mr Big using Ed Vere's video to help. You can see Asma's great attempt on the Year 2 Blog.

🌟🌟🌟🌟 Ayyub from Reception also had a go drawing Mr Big! Wow! What an amazing picture! Well done Ayyub! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Thursday 9 April 2020

Learn to be an illustrator with Rob Biddulph

Rob Biddulph is a famous illustrator. He has created the pictures and illustrations for some fantastic picture books. Which of these books do you recognise?

During school closures, he is teaching us all how to draw some of the characters from his books and also some other creatures. 
Why not have a go at drawing your own sausage dog or have a look at his YouTube channel and create some of your own characters. Perhaps you could create your own story and illustrate it using his drawing tips. 

Interactive Storytelling

Erika's Fairy Wood is a Montessori and After School provision and she has created a daily Story Time during lockdown. She is reading familiar stories and some of our favourite books. Why not watch the stories online and try and join in with the parts you know?

Erika's Montessori Play School

Why not listen to The Gruffalo? Could you could draw him with his purple prickles, knobbly knees and poisonous wart on the end of his nose?

Perhaps you could try and retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. Maybe you could draw/make their houses or you could even design some of your own.

Send any pictures to

Thursday 2 April 2020

Posting Comments

Hi all, 
A number of children and families have been struggling to post comments on their tablets, iPads and iPhones etc., particularly those made by Apple. Miss Mackenzie has shown tenacity and persevered and has found the solution. 

How to comment on blogs
1. Open the settings on your tablet/iPhone/iPad. 
2. Select Safari from the list of apps. 
3. Scroll through the Safari settings and turn off the setting that says Prevent Cross-Site Tracking. This will allow the blog to check if you are a robot and then send your comments, ideas, thoughts and answers to us and we will be able to publish them on the blog. 


Keep sending us your answers, we love hearing from you. Also keep sending photos of work and photos of you at home doing your home learning to 
Thank you 

Wednesday 1 April 2020

I am Bear by Mrs Binnie

I LOVE this book.

  I am Bear by Ben Bailey Smith and Sav Akyuz. It's so funny and I know that lots you love it too.

 So here's a video of me reading it to you all. 

Which is your favourite bit in the story? Why?

Tell me in the comments box below.

From Mrs Binnie